Our Approach

We think it’s important to read the book of Revelation in its proper context: the rest of the Bible. We believe we should use Scripture to interpret Scripture, not current events in the daily newspaper, tempting as that may be.

We believe that Scripture offers us two main keys to Revelation:

1) The Book of Joshua
Revelation tells the story of an epic battle, where seven trumpets sound and a great city falls. We believe it can only be understood in the context of another famous biblical battle, where seven trumpets sound and a great city falls…. the battle of Jericho from the book of Joshua.

2) The Gospel of John
Church history tells us that the Apostle John is the author of the Fourth Gospel (“the Gospel of John”) and the book of Revelation. The two books are tightly interconnected with myriads of verbal, symbolic and thematic links. We think it’s important to read the two books together, since they help interpret one another.

If we take a biblical approach to the book of Revelation, using Scripture to interpret Scripture, we discover there is no need for fear! Instead, we can be filled with joy and wonder at the heavenly destiny that lies before us!


Dr. Warren A. Gage holds a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, a J.D. from SMU School of Law, and a Ph.D. in philosophy and literature from the University of Dallas, where he completed his dissertation on the connections between the Gospel of John and Revelation. Dr. Gage also completed a year of post-graduate study at Tubingen University in Germany. He worked for twelve years as a trial attorney and was national counsel for a Fortune 500 defense contractor. For the next twelve years, he was a Professor of Old Testament and of Classical Studies at the graduate level. He currently serves as President of Watermark Gospel, a nonprofit ministry that aims to show the world how to find Jesus in every story of the Bible.

“In this world you will have tribulation. But take courage! I have overcome the world.”

— John 16:33